Quantitative N-terminal analysis of fibrinogen-fibrin-related antigen [FR antigen] from human plasma

Fibrinogen-fibrin-related antigen (FR antigen) was isolated from as little as 1 ml of human plasma by immuno-affinity chromatography with agarose-bound antibody to human fibrinogen. N-terminal analysis was performed to determine the nature and extent of proteolytic degradation of the FR antigen in patients with disseminated intravascular coagulation and in normal subjects. Thrombin cleavage of the A- and B-peptides from fibrinogen in vitro was monitored by the appearance of N-terminal glycine, and an increase in glycine was shown in the FR antigen of patients with disseminated intravascular coagulation. As plasmin progressively degraded fibrinogen, increases in N-terminal alanine, aspartic acid and lysine were observed, corresponding to the known plasmin-cleavage points of fibrinogen; increases in these N-terminal amino acids were also found in the patients' FR antigen. Thrombin treatment in vitro was used to remove fibrinopeptide A (N-terminal alanine) from the samples and to reflect specifically the N-terminal alanine at the plasmin-cleavage point (Arg-42-Ala-43) of the B beta-chain on assay; this alanine was increased progressively in the FR antigen of a patient during urokinase therapy, and was high in other patients when the FR antigen was examined by this procedure.