Gene order and recombination rates in the linkage group S-Phi-Hal-H-(Po2)-Pgd in pigs

Families of Czech Landrace (94 litters and 636 offspring) were tested for halothane sensitivity, A-O (S), H, PHI and PGD phenotypes. Informative matings for the estimation of recombination rates between marker loci were selected. The following recombination frequencies were established: S-Phi=4.8% (2.5%-10.7%); S-H=6.8% (4.3-11.7%); Phi-H=2.6% (0.9%-5.3%); H-Pgd=4.4% (1.6%-8.0%). Cross-overs were observed also between S-Hal, Hal-H and Hal-Pgd, but were not found between Phi-Hal. On the basis of these results it has been possible to revise the position of the S locus in this linkage group. The most probable gene order would be: S-Phi-Hal (or Hal-Phi)-H-(Po2)-Pgd. A striking difference was found between the number of halothane-sensitive pigs (87) and HalnHaln genotypes determined by haplotyping (123). Segregation rates in 19 backcross matings and experimental matings of the animals proved that this difference is mostly due to incomplete penetrance or low expression of halothane sensitivity.