Cultivation of Human Epithelial Cells in Tissue Culture.

Experience is described in the serial subcultivation of human conjunctiva cells and human kidney cells established in serial passage in vitro by Chang. Thirty-eight human sera were compared in their ability to support cellular multiplication of the two cell lines. Two were toxic to both cell lines. The remaining 36 were non-toxic and varied in their ability to support cellular multiplication. Human sera supported multiplication better than horse, calf, rabbit, sheep and chicken sera. Both cell lines were adapted to media containing horse or calf serum but no human serum. Preservation of the cell lines at reduced temperatures is described. No contaminating bacterium or virus could be detected in these cell lines by the inoculation of non-viable cell extracts into tissue cultures of monkey kidney, embryonated eggs, rabbits, guinea pigs, and mice. A method is described for the treatment of contaminated tissue cultures.