Silicon and carbon vacancies in neutron-irradiated SiC: A high-field electron paramagnetic resonance study

Electron-paramagnetic-resonance (EPR) and electron-spin-echo (ESE) studies have been performed that show that isolated VSi, VSi0, and VC vacancies are the dominant intrinsic paramagnetic defects in SiC treated by room-temperature neutron irradiation with doses up to 1019cm2. This conclusion is supported by the observation of high concentrations of all these defects in 4H- and 6H-SiC that are almost proportional to the irradiation dose. The 95-GHz EPR spectra at 1.2 K prove that the ground state of VSi0 corresponds to S=1 and that the zero-field splitting parameter D is positive. A possible energy-level scheme and optical pumping process which induces the spin polarization of the ground triplet state of the VSi0 vacancy in SiC is presented. In the EPR spectra of VSi in 4H-SiC an anisotropic splitting of the EPR lines is observed. This splitting is assumed to arise from small differences in the g tensor of the quasicubic (k) and hexagonal (h) sites. Anisotropic EPR spectra with S=12 that are related to the carbon vacancy have also been observed in the n-irradiated SiC crystals. The hyperfine (hf) interaction with the first shell of Si atoms is almost identical to that observed in electron-irradiated SiC crystals. The observed additional 6.8-G hf splitting with 12 carbon atoms in the second shell is considered as a confirmation for the isolated carbon vacancy model.