The effect of concentrates on the voluntary intake of roughages by cows

Summary: Seven changeover experiments were conducted to examine the effect of giving restricted amounts of concentrates on the voluntary intake of different roughages by non-lactating dairy cows. The addition of up to 6 kg concentrates daily to the diet of cows receiving roughage ad lib. caused little change in the intake of hay and a small increase in the intake of barley straw. Larger amounts of concentrates of 6 and 8 kg daily reduced hay intake by between 0·2 and 0·4 kg dry matter/kg concentrate dry matter given. When concentrates were given to the cows the rate of decline in intake of hay tended to be greatest with the hays of highest digestibility. The daily addition of up to 8 kg concentrates to the diet of cows offered silage ad lib. caused only small depressions in the intake of silage. The results are discussed in relation to recent work on this subject with cattle and sheep.