Increased Thyroxine Secretion following Surgical Operation

Radiothyroxine turnover measurements were made in 10 male patients before and after relatively minor surgery. Thyroxine secretion rate rose significantly from 110±15 μg. per day (mean±SD) pre-operatively to 137±33 soon after surgery, although plasma protein bound iodine concentrations remained unaltered. Plasma activity, following a dose of radiothroxine given prior to surgery, diminished at a single exponential rate, which continued through surgery. A second dose of radiothyroxine, differently labelled and given post-operatively also disappeared exponentially, but in every case the slope was steeper than for the pre-operative dose. The daily fractional disappearance rate rose significantly from 0.11±60.029 pre-operatively to 0.163±0.028 post-operatively.