Electronic structure of the GaAs:MnGascenter

The excitation spectrum of the 0.11-eV Mn acceptor in GaAs has been thoroughly investigated by uniaxial stress and Zeeman fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The results give strong evidence for the 3d5 +shallow hole model for the Mn0 center. The deformation potentials as well as the g values determined for the hole are in close agreement with those previously reported for the 1S3/2(Γ8) state for shallow acceptors in GaAs. All experimental results are in accordance with a J=1 ground-state level derived from exchange coupling of the shallow 1S3/2(Γ8) hole and the S=5/2 Mn core. A splitting between J=2 and J=1 levels in the range from 9 to 12 meV is inferred and is considerably larger than the 2–3 meV splitting previously suggested