Interdiffusion problems at CdTe/InSb heterointerfaces grown by temperature gradient vapor transport deposition

CdTe epitaxial films were grown by a simple method of temperature gradient vapor transport deposition on p‐InSb (111) orientation substrates in the growth temperature range between 200 and 280 °C. Raman spectroscopy showed the optical phonon modes of the CdTe thin films and the formation of an indium telluride interfacial layer in the CdTe/InSb heterostructures. The stoichiometry of the CdTe/InSb heterostructures was observed by the Auger electron spectroscopy, and Auger depth profiles also demonstrated that the CdTe/InSb heterointerface was not abrupt. The results indicated that the films grown at about 265 °C posed a significant problem due to interdiffusion from the InSb substrates during the growth.