Die Isolierung von 3α, 17α, 21‐Trioxy‐pregnanon‐(20) (THS) aus menschlichem Harn

The isolation of a new adrenocortical metabolite from the urine of two women suffering from Cushing's syndrome due to adrenal carcinoma has been described. The substance has been characterized as 3α, 17α, 21‐trihydroxypregnane‐20‐one (tetrahydro Compound S; THS). Since it was isolated after β‐glucuronidase hydrolysis of the urines, this metabolite was apparently excreted in the form of its glucuronoside conjugate. The possible relationship between the occurence of THS in the urine of these patients with Cushing's syndrome and the excessive edema they exhibited has been noted. In addition THS has been isolated in 5% yield from the urine of a bilaterally adrenalectomized patient to whom Reichstein's Compound S was administered orally.