Laser-induced fluorescence characterization of a multidipole filament plasma

The order of several tenths of an electron-volt. This means that they are likely to be useless in measuring low ion tem- peratures, colder than 0.5 eV. Typically, electrostatic energy analyzers'" consist of three parts: an entrance grid, a discri- minating grid, and collector plate. The separations between these three parts have a profound effect on the energy resolu- tion of the apparatus, as shown by the modeling of Donoso and Martin.16 They found that the measured temperature has a significant error, and that this error varies with not only the separations between the parts, but also the structure of the grid fabric. The influence of the grid fabric on the measurement error is revealed in the experimental results reported by D'Angelo and Alport. In two identical tests, they measured the ion temperature in a filament discharge, using a detector with tungsten grids. First they used a 40 lines/cm mesh and found that