Time-differential perturbed-angular-correlation study of hyperfine interactions atCd111(111In) in α-Fe2O3

Hyperfine interactions at Cd111(111In) atoms on Fe3+ sites in α-Fe2 O3 are studied in a wide temperature range from 85 to 987 K by means of time-differential perturbed-angular-correlation measurements. The observed hyperfine interaction is unique at high temperatures above ∼700 K but is distributed at lower temperatures owing to the aftereffects of 111111Cd electron-capture decay. The spectra modified by the aftereffects are analyzed successfully with a static distribution of the electric field gradient (EFG) in the temperature region above the Morin temperature (TM=260 K). On the other hand, the spectra below TM are analyzed with a large distribution of hyperfine frequencies, which diminishes rapidly in a short period of about 40 ns.