Degradation and solubilization of pectin by β‐galactosidases purified from avocado mesocarp

Three β‐galactosidase (EC 3. 2. 1. 23) isozymes were purified from the mesocarp of ripe fruit of Persea americana Mill. cv. Lula. and their effects on pectin derived from mature‐green tomato fruit were investigated. The β‐galactosidases had pl values of 5. 0,5. 1 and 5. 2. and molecular weights of 41. 49 and 54 KDa. respectively. There was a partial degradation of pectin resulting in the release of monomeric galactose upon treatment with avocado β‐galactosidase. This degradation resulted in increased pectin solubility and decreased apparent average molecular size as determined by microfiltration and gel permeation by high‐performance liquid chromatography. The increase in solubility was due. in part. to an apparent decrease in the ability of pectin molecules to aggregate together.