Possible Occurrence of Multiple Antigens in Type 2 Poliomyelitis and GDVII Mouse Encephalomyelitis Viruses.

It was found that following high speed centrifugation of acetone ether extracts of infant mouse CNS tissue infected with type 2 (MEFL) poliomyelitis virus, the supernatant fractions had coupleuent fixing antigen titers 25 to 50% that of the controls even though 99% or greater of the inf ectivity was removed and the sediment resuspended to volume was comparable to the controls in both inf ectivity and complement fixing activity. The supernatant fraction of saline ether extracts, on the other hand, had no or very little complement fixing activity. GDVII mouse encepha-lomyelitis saline ether extracts, in contrast to the same type of preparation of MEFL virus, had marked complement fixing activity following high speed centrifugation which removed over 99% of inf ectivity and hemagglutinating activity; and acetone ether extraction resulted in a 16 to 32 fold concentration in the com-plement fixing activity of the supernatant and sediment fractions. It would appear that a physical separation of 2 complement fixing antigens was realized with the GDVII virus. The occurrence of multiple antigens in MEFL virus remains to be proven since certain other factors may account for the complement fixing activity obtained with its supernatant fraction of acetone ether, but not with same fraction of saline ether extracts.