The scaling properties of one- and two-point statistics of the acceleration, pressure, and pressure gradient are studied in incompressible isotropic turbulence by direct numerical simulation. Ensemble-averaged Taylor-scale Reynolds numbers (Rλ) are up to about 230 on grids from 323 to 5123. From about Rλ 40 onwards the acceleration variance normalized by Kolmogorov variables is found to increase as Rλ1/2. This nonuniversal behavior is traced to the dominant irrotational pressure gradient contributions to the acceleration (whereas the much weaker solenoidal viscous part is universal). Longitudinal and transverse two-point correlations of the pressure gradient differ according to kinematic constraints, but both (especially the latter) extend over distances of intermediate scale size large compared to the Kolmogorov scale. These extended-range properties essentially provide the Eulerian mechanism whereby (as found in recent work) the accelerations of a pair of fluid particles can remain significantly correlated for relatively long periods of time even as they move apart from each other. Although a limited inertial range is attained in the energy spectrum, little evidence for classical inertial scaling is found in acceleration correlations and pressure structure functions. The probability density function (PDF) of pressure fluctuations has negatively skewed tails that exhibit a stretched-exponential form. Pressure gradient statistics show a rapid increase in intermittency with Reynolds number, characterized by widening tails in the PDF and large flatness factors. The practicality of computing acceleration correlations from velocity structure functions is also assessed using direct numerical simulations (DNS); within some resolution limitations good agreement is obtained with experimental data in grid turbulence at comparable Reynolds number.