Nutrition of Animal Cells in Tissue Culture. X. Synthetic Medium No. 858,

A new synthetic (chemically-defined) medium for animal cells in tissue culture was devised that is considerably more adequate than solution No. 703, reported earlier. The new medium, solution No. 858, yields 9- and 10-fold increases in the population of replicate cultures prepared from washed suspensions of Earle''s L strain cells from the mouse, in 7 days, and supports these and certain other types of cells at a slow rate of multiplication for indefinite periods. Solution 858, the composition of which is given, consists of 62 ingredients that include 3 antibiotics. It differs from solution 703 in that it contains 5 desoxyribonucleosides, sodium glucuronate, and 3 additional coenzymes. Also, 5 B-vitamins present in solution 703 have been omitted, and natural L-amino acids replace the racemic and diasteroisomeric forms previously used. Solution 858 supplemented with 20% horse serum yields 20- to 30-fold increases in the population of L strain cultures in 7 days. In this mixture, L strain cells and cells from other sources can be propagated continuously and transferred to fresh containers twice a week.