Influence of morphology and rheology on the production characteristics of the basidiomyceteCyathus striatus

The influence of the pellet morphology of the basidiomycete Cyathus striatus on the production of the antibiotics striatals A, B, and C was investigated. The main operating parameters in fermenters of different sizes were the tip speed and the volumetric power input. Different methods were developed for quantification of morphological characteristics. The apparent viscosity of the suspension was measured with a cylinder rheometer. Sediment density was measured with a sedimentation apparatus. Particle size distributions were recorded with an image analysis system. By means of the presented measuring methods, morphological characteristics could be determined and enabled an early assessment of the fermentation course and the antibiotics production. During the exponential growth phase of the fungus the relative sediment height correlated with the biomass concentration. The pellet morphology at this stage influenced the later production of striatals. The yield of the striatals was markedly influenced by pellet size and sediment density. Since these morphological characteristics determine the rheological properties of the culture the measurement of the apparent viscosity of the culture in the production phase allowed predictions of the production yield. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 59: 525–533, 1998.