Measurement of Volatile Fatty Acid Production Rates in the Cecum of the Pony

Three experiments, each utilizing three ponies, were conducted using a mixed VFA solution of [1−14C] acetate, [1−14C] propionate and [2–33H] butyrate to determine VFA production rates in the cecum of the pony. Diet A used in experiment 1, contained a forage to grain ratio of 1:2, while diet B, used in experiments 2 and 3, contained a forage to grain ratio of 3:1. Experiment 1, in which a constant infusion technique was used, resulted in net VFA production rates (mmoles/min) of 3.667 to 3.977 (x̄=3.836) for acetate, .410 to 1.664 (x̄=1.213) for propionate and .342 to 1.124 (x̄=.629) for butyrate. The wide variation in rates was due to extreme values found with one animal. Experiments 2 and 3 were single injection experiments with calculated production rates in mmoles/min ranging from 3.956 to 5.778 (x̄=4.638) for acetate, 1.035 to 1.560 (x̄=1.299) for propionate and .403 to .629 (x̄=.450) for butyrate. Interconversion of the VFA, calculated from data of experiment 1, demonstrated that approximately one-half of the butyrate was derived from acetate, while only 2 to 4% of the acetate was derived from the butyrate. VFA production within the cecum accounted for approximately 30% of the digestible energy intake.