Quantitative studies were made on the P, S, K, Mg, and Fe requirements of P. chrysogenum Q176 for growth and penicillin production. 100 ml. of a glucose-lactose-acetate-lactate-inorganic salts medium was used in 500 ml. flasks incubated on a shaker. Cu requirements were studied, but in less detail. These minerals were required for normal growth at the following levels in ug. per ml: P 100, S 70, K 40, Mg 8, Fe 0.2, and Cu 0.1. The Fe, P, and S requirements for normal penicillin production were, respectively, 20 times, 2 times, and about 1.5 times those for normal growth. For K and Mg, normal penicillin production was obtained at the same metal level as that required for normal growth. All curves representing penicillin production and growth responses to added minerals were essentially linear for considerable ranges, except those for K. The fermentation time was markedly increased by K deficiencies and decreased by Fe deficiencies. Other mineral deficiencies caused irregular and less significant changes in the fermentation time. 7 mg. per ml. of chloride in the inoculum medium were found to be detrimental to penicillin production in the subsequent fermentation. It was found necessary to adapt the culture to levels of Cu above about 0.5 [mu]g./ml.