Optimization of dedicated scintimammography procedure using detector prototypes and compressible phantoms

Results are presented on the optimization of the design and use of dedicated compact scintimammography gamma cameras. Prototype imagers with a field of view (FOV) of 5/spl times/5 cm/sup 2/, 10/spl times/10 cm/sup 2/ and 15/spl times/20 cm/sup 2/ were used in either a dual modality mode as an adjunct technique to digital X-ray mammography imagers or as stand-alone instruments such as dedicated breast SPECT and planar imagers. Experimental data were acquired to select the best imaging modality (SPECT or planar) to detect small lesions using Tc/sup 99m/ radio-labeled pharmaceuticals. In addition, studies were performed to optimize the imaging geometry. Results suggest that the preferred imaging geometry is planar imaging with two opposing detector heads while the breast is under compression. However, further study of the dedicated breast SPECT is warranted.