MOVPE Growth and Structural Characterization of AlxGa1−xN

The ternary alloy GaAlN has been grown by low pressure MOVPE (76 Torr) using triethylgallium, trimetylaluminum and ammonia as precursors. The alloy layers were grown on (0001) sapphire substrates using a low temperature AlN buffer. All layers were deposited at a growth temperature of 980°C. Only the aluminum/gallium ratio in the gas phase was changed, keeping the total group III molar flow rate and V/III molar ratio constant.The aluminum incorporation versus gas phase composition was determined experimentally, using energy dispersive analysis of X-rays (EDAX), and X-ray diffraction. We propose a model, taking into account kinetically limited mass transport of group III species in the gas phase, which describes well the data.The structural quality of the layers was investigated using X-ray diffraction and TEM experiments.A degradation of the materials quality is observed with increasing Al content. In this case, growth originate on the buffer grains facets resulting in a “ two directional » growth. This phenomenon, being markedly enhanced when increasing the Al content will be detailed in this paper.