Summary: Smith, G. F.: Studies on the reproductive biology and palynology ofChortolirionBerger(Asphodelaceae: Alooideae)in southern Africa. ‐Taxon40: 61–73. 1991. ‐ ISSN 0040‐0262.While conducting biosystematic investigations towards a revision of the smaller genera of the subfamilyAlooideaeof theAsphodelaceaein southern Africa to be published in theFlora of southern Africa, I became aware thatChortolirion bergerianumDinter had not been dealt with in recent treatments of this genus. A comparative palynological and morphological study indicates thatC. bergerianumandC. angolense(Baker) A. Berger sensu lato are conspecific. Pollen grains of these taxa are free, monosulcate, bilaterally symmetrical, medium in size and have a perforated tectum.The morphological investigation and in‐vitro and in‐vivo pollen germination studies also confirmed thatChortolirionBerger represents an assemblage of both reproductive and vegetative characters that makes it unique in theAlooideae.However, the differences on which five species were previously based inChortolirionare nothing more than local variations of a variable and widespread taxon.C. bergerianumshould be included inC. angolense, the only species ofChortolirion.The taxonomic history ofC. bergerianumis also briefly discussed.