Machiavellianism and the discount store executive

This research investigated the Machiavellian orientation of discount store Executives and the relationships between Machiavellianism and job statisfaction and job success. The reported findings are based upon 212 responses to a mail questionnaire sent to a systematic random sample of discount store executives. Major findings of the present study are: [a] discount store executives are no More Machiavellian than other executives; [b] female executives in higher Machiavellian orientation than their male counterparts; [c] executives in higher Level management positions are less Machiavellian than those in lower level Positions; [d] executives who have achieved greater success, as measured by job title or income are more likely to have a lower Machiavellian orientation; and [e] executives who report higher levels of job satisfaction are generally more likely to have a lower Machiavellian orientation.