New Platelet Antigen, Siba, Involved in Platelet Transfusion Refractoriness in a Japanese Man

Siba, a new platelet-specific alloantigen involved in a case of platelet transfusion refractoriness is reported. The IgG platelet alloantibody was detected in a multiply transfused patient of Japanese extraction (Sib), by the presence of HLA antibodies. After transfusion of HLA-compatible platelets, the patient suffered from refractoriness. Adsorption studies with pooled lymphocytes showed that the serum contained anti-platelet activity. Family studies indicate that Siba is inherited as an autosomal codominant trait and separate from HLA and Baka. As of this report, segregation from Zw (PlA) and Yuk (Pen) antigen systems have not yet been determined. The gene frequency of Siba in the Japanese population is estimated to be 0.136.