Measurement of the Elastic Scattering of Neutrinos and Antineutrinos by Protons

We have observed 217 (66) events of the process νpνp (ν¯pν¯p) with an estimated background of 82 (28). The neutral-to-charged-current ratios are σ(νpνp)σ(νnμp)=0.11±0.02 and σ(ν¯pν¯p)σ(ν¯pμ+n)=0.19±0.05 for 0.40<Q2<0.90 (GeV/c)2, where -Q2 is the square of the momentum transfer to the nucleon. These yield σ(ν¯pν¯p)σ(νpνp)=0.53±0.17. The neutral-current form factors at Q2=0 are GE=0.50.5+0.25, GM=1.00.04+0.35, and gA=0.50.15+0.2.