Magnetotransport and photoluminescence of two-dimensional hole gases in Si/Si1xGex/Si heterostructures

The electrical and optical properties of Si/Si0.8 Ge0.2/Si p-type modulation-doped heterostructures grown on (001) Si using low-pressure chemical-vapor deposition are investigated by a variety of techniques. The thickness of the Si1x Gex quantum well was about 15 nm and the modulation-doping effect has been obtained by two remote boron-doped ∼10-nm-thick Si layers. We found a mobility enhancement at low temperatures in all modulation-doped heterostructures. Clear Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations and quantum Hall plateaus confirm the presence of a two-dimensional hole gas. From the Hall-effect measurements a hole mobility of 6870 cm2/V s at a sheet-hole concentration of 4.5×1011 cm2 at 50 mK was obtained, which is comparable with the best published values for x=0.2. The experimental results were compared with self-consistent calculations of the valence-band diagram and hole concentration. The values for the effective mass used for the calculations were obtained by solving the 6×6 Luttinger-Kohn Hamiltonian. The photoluminescence from the Si1x Gex quantum well shows excitonic behavior according to its variation with excitation power. A general trend of increasing photoluminescence intensity with the mobility of the two-dimensional hole gas was observed. The high hole mobility and strong photoluminescence reflect the good interfacial quality of the Si/Si1x Gex/Si heterointerfaces grown by low-pressure chemical-vapor deposition.