Ground-state photoneutron reactions inN15

Photoneutron angular distributions were measured by time-of-flight techniques for the reaction N15(γ, n0)N14 over the region of excitation energy from 15 to 25 MeV. Ground state cross sections were obtained by stepping the bremsstrahlung end point over the energy region of interest in 2 MeV intervals. By fitting the spectral data to a series of Legendre polynomials, angular distribution coefficients were extracted and interpreted on the basis of a simple single particle model. It appears that a large fraction of the photoabsorption strength leading to decays via the ground state channel is due to the formation of Jπ=32+, T=12 states in N15 which decay by d-wave neutron emission. The data support an approximation of purely electric dipole absorption in the region measured. Some small amount of s-wave neutron emission interfering with the dominant p12d32 transition is consistent with an observed value for the a2a0 coefficient of -0.7±0.2. The (γ, n0) cross section integrated between threshold and 30 MeV is estimated to represent about one-third of the total strength in the neutron channel. A state identified at 17.3 MeV is consistent in energy and composition with a theoretical prediction based on a shell model calculation using a residual interaction with a Soper mixture of exchange forces.