E1excitations inA=15nuclei

The C14(p, γ)N15 reaction was studied from Ep=2.8 to 30 MeV corresponding to Ex=13 to 38 MeV in N15 covering the region of the lowest T=32 states as well as the giant dipole resonance (GDR). The N14(p, γ)O15 reaction measurements were extended for excitation regions from Ex=2433.5 MeV thus covering the analogous regions in O15 and N15. Angular distributions obtained in the first reaction at the resonance energies of Ep=4.83, 5.62, 6.65, 6.925, 10.0, 11.0, 12.35, 13.6, and 16.4 MeV indicated large negative a2 coefficients in all cases. The new narrow (Γc.m.=90 keV) resonance at 6.925 MeV has Jπ=32+ and T=12. A careful comparison of the N15(γ, p0)C14 and O15(γ, p0)N14 reactions is used to extract the T=32 and 12 components of the GDR in A=15. Most of the T=32 E1 strength is located near Ex=26 MeV. A microscopic calculation of Jπ52+ states with T=12 and 32 in a 2h-1p and 1h basis of good isospin gives good agreement with the observed depleted B(E1) values from the lowest T=32 states and reproduces the location of the collective T=32 E1 states near 26 MeV. It also describes well the distribution of T=12 collective E1 strength. Using this agreement with the theory which contains no adjusted parameters an effective symmetry potential of U=28 MeV is extracted from the isospin energy splitting. This value is smaller than the typical 60 MeV found in heavier nuclei but agrees with a recent model-independent limit and with other cases of |Tz|=12nuclei.