Tocopherol (Vitamin E) Deficiency among Sheep Fed Natural Feeds

Further studies of tocopherol (vitamin E) deficiency among sheep fed a ration of cull beans (red kidney) and alfalfa, mixed or grass hay are reported. It is shown that the low level of total tocopherols in the milk of the ewes fed the ration of alfalfa and beans is the cause of the muscle dystrophy observed among the lambs. The condition was cured by administering tocopherols to the lambs as judged by the fall in creatinuria and the disappearance of the stiffness, but it was not prevented by prepartum supplementation with tocopherols. Data are presented on the total tocopherol content of the blood plasma, colostrum and milk of ewes that produced normal and dystrophic lambs, on the blood plasma of “normal” and “stiff” lambs, and on the feeds fed to the ewes. The incidence of “stiff lambs” was greater when alfalfa or mixed hay was fed than with non-legume hay, but feeding grass hay did not entirely prevent the deficiency. Copyright © . .