Further studies on feline respiratory virus diseases

Extract Immunodiffusion tests are becoming more widely used in virological studies, since this technique was first applied by Jensen and Francis ( 1953 Jensen, K. E. and Francis, T. 1953. Antigen-antibody precipitates in solid medium with influenza virus. J. Immunol., 70: 321–325. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] ) to the study of viruses belonging to the myxovirus group. Primarily, immunodiffusion tests are used in determining the degree of serological relationship both between closely related viruses — e.g., foot-and-mouth disease viruses (Bodon, 1955 Bodon, L. 1955. Typing foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) virus with the agar gel diffusion method. Acta Vet. Hung., 5: 157–159. [Google Scholar] ; Brown and Crick, 1957 Brown, F. and Crick, J. 1957. Specific precipitin reactions with the viruses of foot-and-mouth and vesicular stomatitis. Nature (Lond.), 179: 316–318. [Google Scholar] ) — and within wider groups — e.g., mammalian poxviruses (Gispen, 1955 Gispen, G. 1955. Analysis of pox virus antigens by means of double diffusion: a method for direct serological differentiation of cowpox. J. Immunol., 74: 134–141. [Google Scholar] ; Westwood et al., 1965 Westwood, J. C. N. , Zwartouw, H. T. , Appleyard, G. and Titmuss, D. H. J. 1965. Comparison of the soluble antigens and virus particle antigens of vaccinia virus. J. gen. Microbiol., 38: 47–53. [Google Scholar] ; Papadopoulos et al., 1968 Papadopoulos, O. A. , Dawson, P. S. , Huck, R. A. and Stuart, P. 1968. Agar gel diffusion studies of paravaccinia viruses. J. comp. Path., 78: 219–224. [Google Scholar] ). Its secondary importance is as a serological tool in the rapid diagnosis of diseases (Villemot and Provost, 1958 Villemot, J. M. and Provost, A. 1958. The agar gel diffusion test for the diagnosis of rabies [in French]. Rev. Elev., 11: 387–397. [Google Scholar] , 1959 Villemot, J. M. and Provost, A. 1959. The gel diffusion test in the rapid diagnosis of rabies [in French]. Proc. 12th int. vet. Congr., Madrid, 2: 629–630. [Google Scholar] ; McClurkin, 1963 McClurkin, A. W. 1963. Use of the agar diffusion precipitation test in the diagnosis of hog cholera. Can. J. comp. Med., 27: 275–279. [Google Scholar] ; Estella, 1967 Estella, L. A. 1967. Application of the agar gel technique in the diagnosis of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis. Am. J. vet. Res., 28: 1903–1904. [Google Scholar] ).