Large Milkweed Bug: Effects of Diflubenzuron and Its Analogues on Reproduction13

Adult male or female Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas) did not reproduce when they were topically treated with 1 μg of diflubenzuron or penfluron. The same dose of AI3-63220 (N-[[(4-bromophenyl)amino]carbony1]-2,6-difluorobenzamide) prevented reproduction by treated males or reduced by 90% the hatch of eggs laid by treated females. Of the 3 compounds tested the most active was penfluron: in males, a dose of 0.01 μg/insect prevented transfer of sperm; in females, this dose did not affect egg hatch but prevented maturation of nymphs. In confinement, treated males transferred some penfluron to untreated females, but the fertility of these females was lowered only when the initial dosage was 1–10 μg/♂.