Effect of Ga addition to NdFeCoB on their magnetic properties

It was found that the Ga addition to NdFeCoB magnets was very effective for improving their magnetic properties. Magnets with high boron concentration had a high coercive force and magnets with low boron concentration had a high‐energy product. The following magnetic properties were obtained: (1) Nd14.5FebalCo16Ga1B9.5:Br=12.0 kG, IHc=15.3 kOe, (BH)max=34 MGOe, Tc=500 °C (2) Nd14.5FebalCo16Ga1B5.5:Br=13.1 kG, IHc=12.2 kOe, (BH)max=40 MGOe, Tc=500 °C. It was also found that NdFeCoGaB magnets with very low boron concentration still had a relatively high coercive force.