Identification of bipolar cell subtypes by protein kinase C-like immunoreactivity in the goldfish retina

Subtypes of bipolar cells were identified by protein kinase C (PKC)-like immunoreactivity in the goldfish retina. The PKC-like immunoreactivity was visualized by either the avidin/biotin peroxidase method or immunofluorescence method. In frozen cross sections and in wholemounts, the monoclonal antibody against α species of PKC reacted with ON-type bipolar cells, identified by the location of axon terminals in sublaminabof the inner plexiform layer. OFF-type bipolar cells (identified by the location of the axon terminal in sublaminaaof the inner plexiform layer) were not immunoreactive. The immunoreactive cells consisted of two subtypes; the rod-dominant ON-type with a large soma and a large bulbous axon terminal, and the cone-dominant ON-type with a small soma and small axon terminal. Antibodies against β and γ species of PKC did not react with any bipolar cells. Of the isolated bipolar cells, enzymatically dissociated from the goldfish retina, 59% were immunoreactive to the monoclonal antibody against α species of PKC. The immunoreactive isolated cells also consisted of two morphological types. Each of them had a morphology typical either to rod-dominant ON-type or to cone-dominant ON-type.