Kinetic Energies of Fragments from Seven Fission Reactions at Low Excitation Energies

This work describes a double-energy experiment performed with solid-state detectors on the thermal-nuetron-induced fission of U233, U235, and Pu239; fast-neutron-induced fission of Pa231, Np237, and U238; and spontaneous fission of Cf252. Spectra of the fragment masses and energies were obtained. Average total kinetic energies and mean fragment masses for the fast-neutron-induced reactions are as follows: Pa231, 166.8±2 MeV, 92.2 and 139.8 amu; Np237, 174.0±2 MeV, 98.0 and 140.0 amu; and U238, 170.1±2 MeV, 98.5 and 140.5 amu. The results are compared with recent time-of-flight and radiochemical data, where available. Average total kinetic-energy correlations with Z2A13 are shown.