Nuclear magnetic resonances are detected for protons adjacent to rare-earth impurities in yttrium ethyl sulfate (YES) crystals at T<4.2 K. The near-proton resonances are shifted several hundred gauss away from the usual bulk proton NMR and are two to four orders of magnitude weaker, depending on the impurity concentration. A sensitive and versatile rf spectrometer used to detect these weak signals is described in detail. The magnitude of the NMR shift is shown to be approximately described by a point dipolar field of the paramagnetic impurity, even for protons only 3 Å from the impurity. However, field-angle dependences of these nearest proton splittings reveal significant deviations from the simple dipolar interaction which most likely arise from the finite extent of the impurity wave function. A frequency dependence of the splitting gives the components of the local field parallel and perpendicular to the external field direction. The intensities of the near-nuclei magnetic resonances (NNMR) in YES: Yb decrease rapidly above 3.8 K. The observed temperature dependence is quantitatively explained for 1.5 K<T<4.2 K by including time-dependent fluctuations in the local field. A general NNMR criterion is experimentally established: lifetime broadening of the near-nuclei resonances occurs whenever the electron Sz(t) correlation time τ is shorter than the inverse dipolar NMR linewidth; i.e., when τ105 sec for abundant H1 and F19 spins. From the near proton splittings in YES: Yb near θ=90°, a large distribution in the value of the elusive g factor was discovered, giving g¯=0.01. Comparisons of NNMR spectra for several rare-earth ions in YES and the extension of this method to other crystals are discussed.