Two samples of pyronin Y were found which, with the exception of eosinophilic granules and osteoid, stained only nucleic acids in animal tissues. Good differentiation was obtained. with n-butyl alcohol. It was therefore possible to prepare a differentially staining mixture of either of these pyronins combined with methyl green. This mixture stains polymerized desoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA) clear green, depolymerized DNA and ribonucleic acid red. The red staining of eosinophilic granules and osteoid is readily distinguished by its persistence after ribonuclease or warm-buffer extraction. The staining mixture consists of: (1) pyronin Y (Edward Gurr or G. T. Gurr), CHCl3 extracted, 2% aq, 12.5 ml; (2) methyl green, CHCl3 extracted, 2% aq, 7.5 ml; (3) distilled water, 30 ml. The staining procedure is as follows. (1) Immerse slides 6 min in the dye mixture. (2) Blot with filter paper. (3) Immerse in 2 changes of n-butyl alcohol, 5 min each. (4) Xylene, 5 min. (5) Cedar oil, 5 min. (6) Apply Permount and cover.

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