Inelastic alpha scattering studies of the low-energy octupole resonance

Beams of 96 and 115 MeV α particles have been used to study the distribution of isoscalar octupole strength in 18 nuclei from Ca40 to Pb208. A prominent broad peak (Γ2.5 MeV) is observed at Ex30A13 MeV in nuclei from Zn66 to Au197. No broad peak is observed in this excitation energy range in Pb208 or Ca40 and lighter nuclei. The oscillatory angular distributions of the (α, α) reaction exciting this peak are in excellent agreement with l=3 distorted-wave Born approximation calculations. Studies of the angular range from σlab=3.5° to 6° in Sn116 indicate very little contribution from l=1 strength. Energy- weighted sum rule fractions for this low-energy octupole resonance are generally in the range from 15% to 20%; this corresponds to ½ to 23 of the expected 1ω octupole strength. The overall distribution of octupole strength in spherical nuclei, including the absence of the low-energy octupole resonance in Ca40 and Pb208, is in very good agreement with random-phase approximation calculations. The low-energy octupole resonance undergoes a pronounced change in structure in soft-vibrational and deformed nuclei. Theoretical calculations for the low-energy octupole resonance in Sm154 account qualitatively for the data.