Liquid Phase Epitaxy of Miscible and Immiscible GaInPAs Alloys on (100)-Oriented GaPxAs1-x (x=0, 0.2, 0.4) Substrates

A comprehensive study on miscible and immiscible GaInPAs LPE layers grown on (100)-oriented GaAs, GaP0.2As0.8 and GaP0.4As0.6 substrates is presented, including the studies by photoluminescence, X-ray diffraction, cathodoluminescence, Auger electron spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Using three types of substrates with different lattice constants, we have obtained some new insights into the miscibility gap of GaInPAs alloys. It has been demonstrated that GaInPAs LPE layers inside the miscibility gap exhibit composition modulations and show peculiarities in luminescent spectra and X-ray rocking curves, the degree of which varies with layer thickness.