Spatially resolved study of charge-density-wave strain inNbSe3:Evidence for a finite threshold for creep

We have used spatially resolved measurements of the low-field charge-density-wave (CDW) response in NbSe3 to obtain the CDW strain profile with single-wavelength resolution. Below 35K, the single-particle (linear) resistance R shows significant hysteresis with electric field E for E below a threshold field ET. The size of the local hysteresis loop ΔR(x) and thus of the CDW strain ε(x) varies linearly with position to within 20 μm of the current contacts. Our results confirm that slip boundary conditions at the current contacts are responsible for the single-particle resistance hysteresis, but not for the “switching” observed at a larger field ET*. Although CDW motion is slow and creeplike between ET and ET*, extremely slow hysteresis relaxation below ET implies that the creep rate changes by at least several orders of magnitude at ET. This threshold behavior is inconsistent with existing predictions for thermal creep, and highlights the highly unusual character of CDW dynamics at low temperatures.