Über das Vorkommen von Hexosediphosphorsäure im Skelettmuskel

A method for the detn. of fructose -1,6-diphosphoric acid (Harden-Young-ester) was described whereby hexose-diphosphate in the muscle was detd. independently of simultaneously present hexose-monophos-phate. By this new method, the fresh muscle of coldblooded animals and the carefully removed fresh muscle of warmblooded animals do not contain hexose-diphosphate. It was formed, if the muscle of warmblooded animals was minced and stored for some time; the formation in the muscle of the dog was much greater than in muscle of the rabbit. In the muscles of coldblooded animals it was impossible even after the destruction of the muscle to detect hexose-diphosphate. The formation of hexose-diphosphate in muscle poisoned with halogen-acetic acid or Fl, was confirmed. No hexose-diphosphate could be found under the influence of insulin in the muscle of warm blooded animals if it was left in situ. During tetanus and after great muscle tension the inorganic phosphoric acid decreased, but no hexose-diphosphate could be detected.

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