Various blocking procedures were applied to sections of paraffin-embedded, formalin-fixed cat spinal cord. Treated sections and untreated controls were stained with cresyl violet acetate or gallocyanine-chrome alum. Although both dyes have been said to stain by simple salt formation it was found that staining was affected differently for each dye by the blocking procedures, and also that staining of neuron nuclei differed in the controls. In these, the cresyl violet acetate stained only the nucleoli within the nucleoplasm whereas gallocyanine-chrome alum stained much more material of unknown composition and function. It is proposed that if cresyl violet acetate and other basic dyes stain by salt linkage, and can be specific for nucleic acid and other highly acid materials, then gallocyanine and other basic metal dye complexes can not be specific for nucleic acid and do not stain by a simple salt linkage.