Techniques for Measuring Blood Flow in Splanchnic Tissues of Cattle

A useful approach of the study of nutrient absorption and metabolism is in vivo measurement of blood flow across portal-drained viscera and liver, and flux of bloodborne metabolites, successful application of the approach requires correct placement of chronic catheters in appropriate blood vessels. Additionally, catheters must stay patent long enough to allow the animal to recover from surgery and to complete an experimental protocol. This paper describes surgical techniques to install chronic catheters in mesenteric veins, the hepatic portal vein, and an hepatic vein of cattle. Techniques for access to arterial blood are described also. Materials, equipment, and supplies frequired for surgery, blood sampling, and blood flow determination are described. Commercial sources of supplies are suggested. Blood flow is measured by downstream dilution of para-aminohippurate, which is infued into a mesenteric vein. Examples of blood flow data for three types of cattle are provided.