Measurement ofCPobservables for the decaysB±→DCP0K*±

Using a sample of 232×106 Υ(4S)BB¯ events collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II B Factory in 1999–2004, we study BD0K*(892) decays where K*KS0π and D0Kπ+, Kπ+π0, Kπ+π+π (non-CP final states); K+K, π+π (CP+ eigenstates); KS0π0, KS0ϕ, and KS0ω (CP eigenstates). We measure four observables that are sensitive to the angle γ of the CKM unitarity triangle; the partial-rate charge asymmetries ACP± and the ratios of the B-decay branching fraction in CP± and non-CP decays RCP±: ACP+=0.08±0.19(stat)±0.08(syst), ACP=0.26±0.40(stat)±0.12(syst), RCP+=1.96±0.40(stat)±0.11(syst), and RCP=0.65±0.26(stat)±0.08(syst).