The daily addition of 5000 and 50,000 units of vit. A to a standard diet produces no significant change in the glomerular filtration rate, the. effective renal plasma flow and the tubular excretory capacity for diodrast or p-amino hippuric acid of normal unanesthetized dogs. The daily adm. of 200,000 units of the vit., however, results in a moderate increase in the renal plasma flow and filtration rate and a significant rise in the tubular excretory capacity for diodrast and p-amino hippuric acid, differentiating the action of this vit. from the reno-tropic effect of testosterone. The filtration fraction remains constant during the vit. hyperemia. The possibility is discussed that the rise in plasma flow and filtration rate represent circulatory adjustments of the kidney to the increased tubular mass of that organ.