Effect of Beryllium on In Vitro Calcification of Cartilage

Beryllium in concns. of 1.0 x 10-5 [image] or greater is a potent inhibitor of the dephosphorylating activity of cartilage alkaline phosphatase. In concns. of 10-5 [image] or greater, Be completely blocked in vitro calcification of cartilage when P was supplied as beta-glycerophosphate, phenylphosphate or creatine phosphate. When P was supplied as inorganic phosphate (the condition apparently obtaining in vivo), concns. of Be sufficient to produce marked inhibition of alkaline phosphate failed to interfere with in vitro calcification of cartilage. The significance of these findings in relation to current theories of endochondral calcification and "beryllium rickets" is discussed.