The Barrnett-Seligman Sulfhydryl Reaction for Plant Meristems

Onion root tip meristems, fixed in 14 different fixatives representing ingredients and mixtures used in plant cytology, were tested with the Barrnett and Seligman histochemical procedure for protein-bound sulfhydryl groups. The relative intensity of staining was measured photometrically and the distribution of stain after each type of fixation described. Measurements indicated that conditions governing the staining of SH and S—S are not fully predictable; for example, fixation in saturated HgCl2 enhances staining although inhibition was expected through mercaptide formation. Specificity of the reaction was further checked by treating fixed sections with known SH reagents. Partial blocking by such reagents as p-chloromercuribenzoate, and N-ethyl maleimide is apparently reversed by lengthy incubation in the 2,2'-dihydroxy-6,6-dinaphthyl-disulfide (DDD) reagent. Sulfhydryl oxidizing agents such as I-KI or chromic acid were either ineffective in blocking or could be reversed. For this reason and because previously reduced sections were proportionately better blocked than untreated ones it is suggested that the sulfhydryl reagent may open and then react with S—S bonds. Parallel runs indicate no difference in specificity between animal and plant tissues.

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