Protein Isolates from New Varieties of Rapeseed

Defatted meals of two varieties of rapeseed, Brassica napus, Erglu and Lesira, were used for the isolation of proteins. The protein isolates, obtained in high yields, are light colored, bland products having foam stability higher than soybean protein. Their amino acid composition shows adequate amounts of isoleucine and sulphur amino acids which seem to be limiting in rapeseed meal. Rapeseed meal and protein isolates prepared therefrom, were fed to chicks that had been depleted of their embryonic protein reserve. Feed consumption, weight gain and protein efficiency ratio reveal better performance of the protein isolates as compared to the corresponding meals. Erglu meal, too, is eminently suitable as supplement to chicken feed, whereas Lesira meal shows detrimental effects, probably due to its high glucosinolate content.

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