Study ofNb93Levels with theMo96(p,α)Nb93Reaction

Levels of Nb93 have been studied with the Mo96(p,α) reaction at 15-MeV incident energy. Angular distributions for transitions to a dozen prominent levels below 2 MeV have been measured with 30- to 40-keV experimental resolution over 15θL150, and they have been compared with distorted-wave Born-approximation (DWBA) calculations. Angular distributions for pMo96 and αNb93 elastic scattering have also been measured, and proton and α-optical-model potential parameter sets have been determined by a search procedure. Of the three sets of α-potential parameters, the one which best reproduced the measured (p,α) angular distributions of known low-lying levels in Nb93 was chosen as the standard set for the rest of the (p,α) calculations. The conventional triton-cluster form factor was used exclusively for the (p,α) DWBA calculations which lead to Jπ assignments. A semimicroscopic form factor was used in a few test cases in order to check the sensitivity of calculations to the choice of form factor. Reliable Jπ assignments have been made for levels below 1.5 MeV based on the j dependence for l=1(p,α) transfers, as well as for higher angular momentum transfers observed in the present work; and they are in excellent agreement with those determined from recent Coulomb-excitation and Zr90(α,pγ) works. Dominant three-nucleon shell-model configurations to which the levels of interest belong have been proposed.