Immunologic characterization and molecular profile of carcinoembryonic antigen detected by monoclonal antibodies.

Four distinct monoclonal antibodies, which reacted with CEA preparations but not with nonspecific cross-reacting antigen or with nonspecific cross-reacting antigen 2, were established. Except for monoclonal antibody AS001 , all of these monoclonal antibodies immunoprecipitated molecular forms of 200K and 180K daltons that are not bridged by disulfide bonds. Immunodepletion experiments and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis revealed that these monoclonal antibodies recognized the same antigenic structure when 125I-CEA preparation was used. Monoclonal antibody AS001 is of particular interest, because this antibody reacted only with a 200K dalton molecule which is a part of the molecules recognized by the other three monoclonal antibodies. The rosette inhibition assay and the immunoprecipitation experiments suggest that each monoclonal antibody recognizes a different antigenic determinant. The antigenic determinants recognized by monoclonal antibodies YK013 and AS001 may be peptides in nature, whereas the determinants recognized by antibodies YK024 or AS005 might be carbohydrate. The radioimmunoassay with monoclonal antibody AS001 was established, and the results clearly indicate that the incidence of positivity for the sera from digestive tract cancer patients and from lung cancer patients obtained by monoclonal antibody AS001 was higher than that obtained by the polyclonal antibody. Monoclonal antibody AS001 was able to detect the corresponding antigen in the sera, which the polyclonal antibody failed to detect. This study therefore suggests that monoclonal antibodies may enhance and improve the diagnostic value in cancer patients with undetectable or lower CEA levels detected by conventional anti-CEA antibodies.