The angular distributions from the Ti48(d,α)Sc46 reaction have been measured at a deuteron beam energy of 17 MeV. The α particles were analyzed primarily by position-sensitive counters mounted in an Enge splitpole spectrograph with a typical experimental resolution of 15 keV full width at half-maximum for 20-MeV α particles. Distorted-wave Born-approximation calculations utilizing a microscopic form factor and including finite-range and nonlocal corrections produced reliable deuteron l-transfer distribution shapes. The experimental distributions indicate many unambiguous l transfers which determine parity and restrict possible J values for final states in Sc46. The relative strengths of the cross sections are subject to configuration effects through the 2s, 1d, 1f, and 2p nucleons which form the deuteron in the pickup process. In particular, states excited by (f72)2, (d32f72), and possibly s12f72 and (d32)2 pickup were identified. Of special interest is the population of the low-lying 6+ state in Sc46, which can be quantitatively understood in terms of a ≅1% occupation probability for nucleons in the 1f52 shell of Ti48.