Based on a new, exact QCD factorization formula for the partial B¯Xsγ decay rate with a restriction on large photon energy, improved predictions are presented for the partial moments Eγ and Eγ2Eγ2 of the photon spectrum defined with a cut EγE0. In the region where Δ=mb2E0 is large compared with ΛQCD, a theoretical description without recourse to shape functions can be obtained. However, for Δmb it is important to separate short-distance contributions arising from different scales. The leading terms in the heavy-quark expansion of the moments receive contributions from the scales Δ and mbΔ only, but not from the hard scale mb. For these terms, a complete scale separation is achieved at next-to-next-to-leading order in renormalization-group improved perturbation theory, including two-loop matching contributions and three-loop running. The results presented here can be used to extract the b-quark mass and the quantity μπ2 with excellent theoretical precision. A fit to experimental data reported by the Belle Collaboration yields mbSF=(4.62±0.10exp±0.03th)GeV and μπ2,SF=(0.11±0.19exp±0.08th)GeV2 in the shape-function scheme at a scale μf=1.5GeV, while mbkin=(4.54±0.11exp±0.04th)GeV and μπ2,kin=(0.49±0.18exp±0.09th)GeV2 in the kinetic scheme at a scale μf=1GeV.